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How to Manage Stress

How to Manage Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. But when you’re stressed out all the time, it can lead to anxiety and depression. In fact, chronic stress is one of the primary causes of mental health issues —and not just because it’s painful or uncomfortable, but also because it can cause damage to your body over time. Fortunately there are lots of ways you can reduce your stress levels, from getting professional help to improving your diet and exercise routine. Here are some tips for managing your stress:

Reach out to friends and family.

Stress is a normal part of life, but it can become a problem when you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities. If this happens, it’s important to reach out for support from the people who care about you most. Spending time with people who make you feel good will help lift your spirits and reduce stress levels in the long run. If that’s not enough, consider talking to someone else about what’s going on in your life–a therapist or trusted friend may be able to provide insight into how best to manage stress effectively.

Seek professional help.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious, consider speaking to a therapist. Therapy can help you understand your stress and how to manage it. It may also help you feel better and function better in everyday life.

Therapy can help with:

  • Reaching your goals
  • Coping with stress levels that are too high or low
  • Overcoming obstacles that might be holding you back from reaching those goals

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression or other symptoms of stress, there is help available; reach out to a mental health professional today!

There are many different types of therapy available. If you’re not sure where to start, speak with our intake specialists and we can help you find the right fit for your therapy needs.

In addition to seeking help from licensed professionals like psychologists and psychiatrists, there are also counselors who specialize in working with children or teens; couples and individual adults. Georgia Outreach can provide support during stressful times and for many mental and emotional issues.

We encourage you to give us a call 912.355.3881 or email us at and let us find the right counselor or therapist for you. It is important to remember that if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or other symptoms of stress, there is help available; reach out to us today!

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